Science communication


Below are an assortment of public lectures I’ve given and public science content I’ve created, mostly to communicate the connection between crystals, solar energy, and the climate crisis.

Reach out here to inquire about speaking at your event.


Shining light on solar cells and their material impacts

Description: A 2023 public lecture at the American Chemical Society (ACS) California Chapter’s Women Science Committee.

Intended audience: general public with an interest in science.


Alchemy in the 21st century: New materials to combat the energy crisis

Description: A 2022 lecture through Science at Cal’s “Midday Science Cafe”, in collaboration with Dr. Matthew Horton.

Intended audience: general public with an interest in science.


Step into a solar cell:
Clever contacts to combat climate change

Description: Semifinalist contribution video to the UC Berkeley’s 2021 “Grad Slam,” a three-minute research pitch competition (watch full event video here).

Intended audience: general public with an interest in science.


How do you make a solar panel?

Description: An animated video to describe what goes on inside solar panels. I made this for a 4th grade class to respond to a student's question during our Skype a Scientist lesson: "how do you make a solar panel?"

Intended audience: K-8 students


Materials Project demo: Exploring new systems

Description: A lesson about modeling new solid solutions using the Materials Project and pymatgen framework as part of the 2020 Materials Project Workshop.

Intended audience: Materials scientists with some experience in python programming.